

The Popular Foods & Beverages industry has specifically ventured and diversified into the rising dairy market. The Popular dairy brands are fast becoming strong players in the market. The brands are Milker and Today, both the brands now enjoy a strong repute and market presence in a fairly short span of time.


Milker by Popular is a range of delicious, healthy milk with farm fresh goodness, all in a box.At times all you need is someone to remind you that you aren’t alone you have someone by your side. Popular Group of Industries gives you “MILKER”.
Milker by Popular promotes “UNITY” and motivates you to “MILKER PIYO MILKER JIYO”.


Today Tea Whitener is a brand that evokes all its customers to live for what they have. Cherish moments that they are living. Praise those that are along and live up each and every moment of their life.
TODAY - Ajj Mein Jiyo!